Green Credentials
We are very mindful of the climate pressures we are all facing. And whilst we don’t pretend to be the greenest of the green by trying to “green-wash” everything, we do our best within the parameters we face and we hope our visitors will also do their best as well.
Werescote enjoys a solar power array on the roof and this was installed back in 2011, so we hope this has been a good environmental contribution for over a decade now.
Likewise heating and hot water at Werescote is powered by Biomass Heating Boilers. This means that sustainably approved wood pellets are burned for domestic heating purposes. The theory is that no more carbon dioxide is emitted by fuelling our system than is captured by the sustainable forests that make the wood pellets we buy. This means a sort of theoretical net zero system for heating Werescote.
The Werescote View kitchen has a boiling water tap so only enough boiling water is heated as is needed to avoid excess energy use and safety issues with kettles for visitors.
We sort and recycle waste where we can and so we are grateful if you would do this using the bins provided in the under-croft so Harry does not have to sort through your rubbish for you.
Regarding electric vehicle charging, at the moment and how best to provided metered charging to our visitors.
We would also be grateful for you to consider environmental matters during a stay at Werescote. Please consider the benefits of showers vs baths. Whole loads in the dishwasher and washing machine and the use of lower temperature eco settings and not using towels un-necessarily that need washing after use.
The central heating is set to a reasonable 20 degrees at peak times and 16 degrees at off peak times so please do not adjust any settings or the radiators yourself. Please do not leave windows open without good reason either. If visitors have medical considerations around temperature control, then please do let us know and we can agree what needs to be done to help.
Whilst the main house also uses wood burners for heating the main house from only sustainably sourced wood supplies in the Werescote grounds, the holiday flat cannot support a real fire for safety reasons. Sorry.
In Somerset, Wellington and Taunton are close by with their museums and breweries, plus Somerset County Cricket Club, the beaches of Minehead, the wilds of Exmoor National Park and the Clarks Village factory shopping outlet in Street all await your perusal.